The verdict is in and it was very clear.
The winner of the committee, community and expert panel selections was unanimous in the end. It will be Option 3, or "A Bug's Eye View"
This is the mock-up that we had for the vote:

In the end it was not close. We had over 1000 votes in total which was WAY beyond our expectations.
We had over 800 votes on our online poll, and this option was chosen by almost 60% of all who took part, with Option 2 getting 30%.

It was the same with the Library and Station polling, where we saw a similar split for these options with around 200 dots placed on the posters.
Altogether, we received 1014 votes, split as follows:
Option 1: 60 preferences
Option 2: 299 preferences
Option 3: 595 preferences
Option 4: 60 preferences
You can see the alternatives on this other post about the poll.
This is an absolutely stunning number of participants in such a consultation exercise, and we are SOOOO grateful for everyone who took part. We took these numbers to our local panel, made up of Robert McIntosh for the Forest Hill Society, Lee Jackson - a local designer who also decorates our local Christmas tree, Aga Czarnota - owner of Aga's Little Deli, and Councillor Billy Harding. Armed with their own preferences, but also the feedback from the Society committee and the community, we agreed that we would select A Bug's Eye View for painting.

The great news is that we do not have to wait long. Artmongers have already begun preparing the canvas space on the wall with the basecoat and painting will start Monday (weather permitting). Do come along to see the progress and say hello. It has been amazing to speak to so many of you already who are excited about what this will do for this space.

Thank you again to Lewisham Council for awarding us the NCIL funds to pay for this installation, to Artmongers and the London School of Muralism for the designs and painting, to all members and committee members of the Forest Hill Society for working on this project, and for everyone who voted or encouraged us along the way.